
Lagadeuc (Jehan)

  • fl. 15th century
  • priests
  • (agents)
Breton priest in Plougonven (Tréguier) and lexicographer, who compiled a Breton-French-Latin dictionary, the Catholicon (1464).
Lagadeuc, Jehan, Yves Roperz [ed.], and Auffret de Quoatqueveran [ed.], Catholicon: artificialis dictionarius triphariam partitus, britonice scilicet, gallice et latine [...], Paris: Yves Quillevéré, 1521.
Gallica: <link>
Lagadeuc, Jehan, Yves Roperz [ed.], and Auffret de Quoatqueveran [ed.], Le catholicon en trois langaiges scavoir est breton, franezoys et latin selon l’ordre de l’abed, Tréguier: Jean Calvez, 1499.


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